At Canvas, we are constantly looking for ways to optimize user experience on the user interface. Check out our most recent updates below.

User Interface

Follow-up Command Enter in Error Workflow

With this latest update, when a user marks a Follow-up Command as entered in error via the ellipses on the command within a note, the corresponding follow-up appointment note will be automatically removed from a patient's chart and the Follow-up Command will be struck out. Previously, when users edited a Follow-up Command to denote that it was entered in error, the Follow-up Command was struck out, while the corresponding follow-up appointment note remained on the timeline.

Custom Reasons and Comments for Snoozing a Protocol

Protocols that are due can be snoozed for any amount of time by using the Snooze protocol command. When snoozing a protocol, a user can enter a reason for doing so. Previously, the reasons were hard-coded from a list determined by Canvas. Now, customers can add additional custom reasons, and remove the default reasons set by Canvas, if desired. In addition, the Snooze protocol command now has an additional free-text field for additional comments.

Background Color for Abnormal Labs

Lab results can be entered into the note from the Diagnostic Theater. Previously, abnormal labs entered into the note have a gray background. The background color has now been changed from gray to yellow, to match the styling in the Lab results panel for improved visibility.

Check out Canvas Announcements for a list of our recent updates.