At Canvas, we are constantly looking for ways to optimize user experience on the user interface. Check out our most recent updates below.

User Interface

Full Event Displayed in Calendar Preview

Adds the ability to hover over admin blocks to see the full title

Admin blocks created within Google calendar sync with the Canvas Calendar as read-only blocks for schedulers to see. Previously, there was a character limit within the display. Users can now hover over the title of the admin block to see the full title of the event.</p>

Patient Communications

Time Zones in Patient Communications

Displays time zones in text and email Appointment reminders

The start time of the appointment will now display with the associated time zone in Appointment reminders and Telehealth instructions sent out to patients via text and/or email. If the patient has a preferred time zone set on their registration page, that time zone will appear in the communication. Otherwise, the time zone will default to the settings of the organization and instance.

Check out Canvas Announcements for a list of our recent updates.